is an R package for working with and scraping men’s college basketball data from Barttorvik.
No subscription is required to access the data. The package includes functions for pulling player and team data, game results, advanced metric splits, play-by-play shooting, and more – all returned in tibble format. As of version 1.0.2, toRvik
ships with more than 20 functions.
Package Installation
Install the released version of toRvik
from CRAN:
Or install the development version from GitHub with:
if (!requireNamespace('devtools', quietly = TRUE)){
Package Highlights
- Detailed game-by-game + season-long statistics by player
- Shooting splits + shares by team
- Game box scores for D-1 games
- Team + conference four factors by split
- Game-by-game four factors
- NCAA committee-style team sheets
- D-1 head coaching changes
Basic Uses
All toRvik
functions fall into one of five categories:
- Pulling and slicing T-Rank + four factor data
- Pulling team and season schedules + results
- Pulling and slicing player, team, and conference stats
- Pulling raw and adjusted tournament performance
- Pulling coaching history, player of the year ratings, etc.
Pull T-Rank ratings:
Calling bart_ratings
will return the current T-Rank ranks and ratings.
## # A tibble: 6 × 19
## team conf barthag barthag_rk adj_o adj_o_rk adj_d adj_d_rk adj_t adj_t_rk
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <int>
## 1 Gonzaga WCC 0.966 1 120. 4 89.9 9 72.6 5
## 2 Houston Amer 0.959 2 117. 10 88.5 6 63.7 336
## 3 Kansas B12 0.958 3 120. 5 91.3 13 69.1 71
## 4 Texas T… B12 0.951 4 111. 41 85.4 1 66.3 223
## 5 Baylor B12 0.949 5 118. 8 91.3 14 67.6 149
## 6 Duke ACC 0.944 6 123. 1 96.0 53 67.4 161
## # … with 9 more variables: wab <dbl>, nc_elite_sos <dbl>, nc_fut_sos <dbl>,
## # nc_cur_sos <dbl>, ov_elite_sos <dbl>, ov_fut_sos <dbl>, ov_cur_sos <dbl>,
## # seed <int>, year <dbl>
Pull team statistics
Calling bart_factors
will return four factor stats on a number of splits. To filter by home games, set venue to ‘home.’
## # A tibble: 6 × 21
## team conf barthag rec wins games adj_t adj_o off_efg off_to off_or
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Houston Amer 0.978 16–1 16 17 65.8 116. 54.3 16.5 39.1
## 2 Baylor B12 0.968 15–2 15 17 69.3 118. 55.1 17.6 38.1
## 3 Gonzaga WCC 0.966 16–0 16 16 73.1 121. 60 15.3 31.8
## 4 Texas Tech B12 0.965 18–0 18 18 68.2 117. 57 19.4 38.3
## 5 Auburn SEC 0.961 16–0 16 16 72.5 116. 52.6 16.3 32.5
## 6 Tennessee SEC 0.959 16–0 16 16 68.9 113. 53 18.3 37.5
## # … with 10 more variables: off_ftr <dbl>, adj_d <dbl>, def_efg <dbl>,
## # def_to <dbl>, def_or <dbl>, def_ftr <dbl>, year <dbl>, venue <chr>,
## # type <chr>, quad <chr>
Calling bart_team_box
will return team box totals and per-game averages by game type. To filter by in-conference games, set type to ‘conf.’
## # A tibble: 6 × 27
## team ast blk dreb fga fgm fta ftm oreb pf pts reb stl
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Gonza… 266 83 471 912 480 238 182 121 218 1271 592 101
## 2 South… 267 49 518 1024 562 361 286 106 271 1568 624 101
## 3 Oral … 214 77 570 1258 594 302 224 191 314 1619 761 85
## 4 Toledo 325 65 600 1256 626 349 270 202 300 1669 802 108
## 5 South… 200 49 336 795 383 360 279 115 242 1163 451 111
## 6 Bryant 249 68 507 1076 483 397 298 213 295 1411 720 105
## # … with 14 more variables: to <dbl>, tpa <dbl>, tpm <dbl>, fg_pct <dbl>,
## # tp_pct <dbl>, ft_pct <dbl>, rpg <dbl>, apg <dbl>, spg <dbl>, bpg <dbl>,
## # tpg <dbl>, fpg <dbl>, ppg <dbl>, games <int>
Pull player statistics
Calling bart_player_season
will return detailed season-long player stats. To pull per-game averages, set stat to ‘box.’
## # A tibble: 6 × 20
## player pos exp hgt team conf g mpg ppg fg_pct oreb dreb
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Peter Kiss Comb… Sr 6-5 Brya… NEC 27 35.7 25.2 0.484 1.44 4.33
## 2 Darius McG… Comb… Sr 5-9 Libe… ASun 30 33.7 24.6 0.445 0.454 4.03
## 3 Antoine Da… Scor… Sr 6-1 Detr… Horz 29 37.0 23.9 0.429 0.483 3.07
## 4 Keegan Mur… Stre… So 6-8 Iowa B10 35 31.9 23.5 0.596 2.86 5.8
## 5 Max Abmas Comb… Jr 6-0 Oral… Sum 28 36.8 22.8 0.412 0.3 3.13
## 6 Bryce Hami… Wing… Sr 6-4 UNLV MWC 31 32.3 21.9 0.439 0.688 4.31
## # … with 8 more variables: rpg <dbl>, apg <dbl>, ast_to <dbl>, spg <dbl>,
## # bpg <dbl>, num <chr>, year <dbl>, id <dbl>
Calling bart_player_game
will return detailed game-by-game player stats. To pull advanced splits by game, set stat to ‘adv.’
## # A tibble: 6 × 24
## date year player exp team opp result min pts usg ortg
## <date> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2021-11-09 2022 Jalen Colem… Sr Kans… Mich… W 10 5 34.2 76.9
## 2 2021-11-12 2022 Jalen Colem… Sr Kans… Tarl… W 12 10 11.7 144.
## 3 2021-11-18 2022 Jalen Colem… Sr Kans… Ston… W 15 7 12.4 186.
## 4 2021-11-25 2022 Jalen Colem… Sr Kans… Nort… W 10 0 10.3 0
## 5 2021-11-26 2022 Jalen Colem… Sr Kans… Dayt… L 8 0 16.3 25.5
## 6 2021-11-28 2022 Jalen Colem… Sr Kans… Iona W 5 0 3 215.
## # … with 13 more variables: or_pct <dbl>, dr_pct <dbl>, ast_pct <dbl>,
## # to_pct <dbl>, stl_pct <dbl>, blk_pct <dbl>, bpm <dbl>, obpm <dbl>,
## # dbpm <dbl>, net <dbl>, poss <dbl>, id <dbl>, game_id <chr>
For more information on the package and its functions, please see the toRvik