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toRvik 1.0.2

CRAN release: 2022-04-22

Addressed CRAN submission comments:

  • Omitted ‘Functions’ from package title
  • Provided links to utilized web services in DESCRIPTION
  • Changed logical variables package-wide from ‘T’ and ‘F’ to ‘TRUE’ and ‘FALSE’
  • Added \values{} field to function documentation

Code Updates:

  • Added support for pulling complete player statistics by setting stat argument to ‘all’ in bart_player_season, bart_player_game, and bart_transfers (new default)
  • Transitioned to using switch() for lookup values in several functions
  • Moved examples with >5s run time to \donttest{} to keep output present on site while passing CRAN checks
  • Added WAB (wins above bubble) column to bart_factors to keep consistent with output from analogous bart_conf_factors
  • Switched neutral variable in bart_season_schedule to logical type


  • Site refresh for CRAN release

toRvik 1.0.1

Initial CRAN submission rejected; fixed with 1.0.2


Code Updates:


  • Changed pkgdown site colors

toRvik 1.0.0

Initial release.

For a detailed list of changes to toRvik, consult the commit history at